Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wheat Belly book

One of the first sources of information that I saw online was called "Wheat Belly", written by author William Davis. It is his blog that includes success stories and a lot of information for people who are new to going gluten-free. He wrote a book, which I bought and am almost done reading. I was shocked by some of the things I read. This is his online blog:

On his blog, you will find information about his book, and where it can be purchased. I happened to order mine from Amazon.

The book gives scientific and medical data about wheat, as well as recipes and the lifestyle changes that are necessary to follow a gluten-free diet. Dr. Davis says that eliminating wheat can also alleviate and prevent health problems including diabetes, arthritis, skin conditions, high blood pressure, heart disease, IBS and many other ailments and illnesses. By going gluten-free, you will also lose weight and get rid of the tummy bulge that he calls 'Wheat Belly'. He also explains that wheat contains a unique protein called gliadin, which converts into a morphine-like compound, which can make wheat cravings feel addictive. The wheat we eat now has been genetically engineered to produce a bigger seed head and resist mold, but according to Davis, it also contains more gliadin, leading to bigger cravings and a bigger waistline.

Dr. Davis says that excess fat is not related to inactivity or high-fat diets, but instead is due to our love of foods like bread, pasta, muffins and cakes.

Dr. Davis recommends avoiding foods containing wheat, altogether.  His diet plan includes eggs, nuts, vegetables, fish, poultry, and other meats, and limiting fresh fruits to twice a week. Eating around 400 calories less a week will contribute to weight loss and a healthier you!

While following a wheat-free diet, you will start to lose cravings for the foods you thought you couldn't live without, such as pizza, pasta, cookies, cakes, etc. I do not have cravings for the foods I used to snack on all the time. I ALWAYS wanted pizza! I was a pizza fanatic....not anymore! Now, I eat healthy and feel much better. I choose healthy snacks such as nuts now. I also eat less and feel satisfied. Before, when eating wheat products, I was always hungry, especially after pancakes or oatmeal. The reason for this is because wheat increases your appetite, so you consume more calories.

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